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Jefferson Solutions offers health plan programs to enhance the member experience and lower overall plan costs through HealthReach.  These program offerings include:
 Care Management
Dedicated registered nurse care managers reach out to plan participants who have been selected for care management through an integrated clinical platform, analyzing medical and pharmacy claim data. HealthReach nurses engage with participants and provide health coaching to address gaps in care for preventive services and management of chronic health conditions to ensure compliance with treatment regimens.

Diabetes Management
Plan participants who engage with a HealthReach nurse may receive no cost diabetic supplies shipped directly to their home, free of charge.  HealthReach nurses enroll participants in the program and set them up to receive diabetic supplies, auto shipped to their home every 90-days, as long as they stay engaged with their HealthReach nurse and are compliant with their protocol. This program can be mandatory or voluntary for individual participants. Employers are responsible for the cost of the supplies.

 Employers may offer their participants a customized wellness program that includes platforms, assessments, online wellness challenges, and targeted lifestyle management/behavior modification programs. Employers may customize wellness programs to meet the specific needs of their populations.
Employers can enhance the basic wellness offering with add-ons such as biometric screenings, tobacco cessation, and maternity monitoring.

Tobacco Cessation
 HealthReach offers four steps designed to help plan participants quit. By using the tobacco cessation program, tobacco users are much more likely to succeed when quitting smoking/chewing by breaking the addiction to nicotine.
 MaterniCare is a maternity management program specifically designed with the health of the mother and baby in mind. The employer pays a once per pregnancy fee for members that choose to participate in the program.  MaterniCare is voluntary and designed to provide enrolled participants with valuable information and additional benefits to help with the transition from pregnancy to parenthood.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
The EAP provides confidential information, guidance, and support to help you reach your personal and professional goals, manage your busy schedule and bounce back from hardships. You and your immediate family members can call at any time, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.  EAP counselors are licensed, highly trained professionals who are committed to making your life easier.