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Healthcare Captive

Healthcare Captive

What is a Group Captive? 
A group healthcare captive is an insurance program where multiple companies pool their resources to provide healthcare benefits to their employees. Being part of a group healthcare captive can have several advantages.

Why should you join a Group Captive?
  • Cost savings: By pooling resources with other companies, you can take advantage of economies of scale and negotiate better rates with healthcare providers. This can result in lower premiums and overall cost savings.
  • Customization: Group healthcare captives can be customized to meet the specific needs of your company and its employees. This allows you to tailor your healthcare benefits package to attract and retain top talent.
  • Stability: Group healthcare captives are often more stable than traditional insurance plans because they are owned and operated by the participating companies. This means that the companies have more control over the program and can make changes as needed to ensure its long-term viability.
  • Predictability: Because group healthcare captives are self-funded, participating companies have more predictable healthcare costs. This can help with budgeting and planning for the future.
For more information, please reach out to our Sales and Marketing Specialist, Erik Kaufman ([email protected])